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RU Service

That is, in effect, the story of the Radford starlings.  The people didn't give up at once, however. They mulled and fussed, giving the starlings a brief reprieve, and then came up with a new plan.  Soon, one day when the birds returned at sunset to their roost, the wildlife managers were ready for them.  They fired shotguns loaded with multiple, highpowered explosives into the air.  BANG, went the guns; the birds settled down to sleep . . . . At last they brought out the ultimate weapon:  recordings of starling distress calls.  Failure.  YIKE OUCH HELP went the recordings; snore went the birds.  That, in toto, is the story of the Radford starlings.  They still thrive. 
        Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

My current service to Radford University includes being the Secretary for the English Department's Curriculum Committee, charged with revising  the courses required for the English major.  I am also secretary for the English Department's Graduate Committee. 

I serve on the Adult Degree Program committee, and occasionally give presentations to university staff on business and technical writing.  I also mentor three Graduate Teaching Fellows in the English Department's mentor program. Recently, I have written a proposal for a new interdisciplinary course on literature and the environment.


url: http://rvannoy.asp.radford.edu
last updated: 02/07/2008
maintained by: Rick Van Noy