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What does education often do? It makes a straight-cut ditch of a free, meandering brook.
   Henry David Thoreau, Journals

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From left:  "Red" square at WWU, The Colorado College, and Guilford House at CWRU.

Along with my training in literature and composition and rhetoric at the doctoral level, I have specialized training and significant experience as a technical writer. As the marketing coordinator/technical writer for two large consulting firms, The DLZ Corporation and the Michael Baker Corporation, I evaluated and delivered effective documents and publications. I wrote clear, cogent cover letters, reports and proposals; supervised staff and production schedules; trained personnel for upcoming presentations and monitored the quality of all communications for consistency and grammar. My experience as a technical writer, with its emphasis on clarity and concision, has given me valuable experience as an editor and experience with how computer technology can aid student writing.

Ph.D. in English, 1999
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
Areas of Specialization: American literature, environmental writing, technical writing, film
M.A. in English Studies, 1994
Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington
Areas of Specialization: composition and rhetoric, linguistic and literary theory, teaching methods
B.A. in English, 1989
The Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Case Western Reserve University
     Dean’s Award for Instructional Excellence (1998)
     Arthur Adrian Dissertation Fellow (1998-1999)
     Andrew W. Mellon Dissertation Fellow (Fall 1997)
     Oviatt Award (for highest ranked incoming student, 1995)
     Mentor TA (1997-1998)
The Colorado College
     Honors Upon Entrance
     Cum Laude
     Distinction in English


url: http://rvannoy.asp.radford.edu
last updated: 02/07/2008
maintained by: Rick Van Noy